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Tips for Longevity

INVINCIBLE HUMAN Philosophy: Don't Die

Year 2000: Live Fast and Die Young

Year 2023: eat healthy, move your body, meditate and don’t die because we don’t know how long and well we can live

Humans used storytelling to build society: where we came from; why we’re here; what exists after death; what creates meaning; what’s right and what’s wrong. Daily health related decisions have historically been influenced by story. For example, ideological lists of what one can and cannot eat. Social norms signaling what’s fashionable. Meaning-making to inform what is desirable and laudable.

This time, our time, right now - the early 21st century - will be defined by the radical evolution of intelligence: human, AI and biology. Our opportunity is to be this exciting future.

Aspire to look and feel your very best? Opt into a system where your body + science and data do the work. It’s akin to saying yes to the internet, computers and AI to improve our lives in ways that exceed our natural abilities.

This Automation - and the elimination of self destructive behaviors - allows us to improve at the rate at which you can automate important functions without thinking about them - in this case, your health. Improve at the speed of compounded gains, opening up a future of possibilities more expansive than our imaginations are capable of grasping.

Embrace ♥️:

  • systems over willpower

  • data over human opinion

  • harmony over addiction

  • compounded rates of self improvement

Rebel 👿 against:

  • addictive algorithms

  • corporate profiteering at your detriment

  • social norms encouraging bad behavior

  • self aided destruction (SAD)


For thousands of years, the human experience has been roughly the same. Things are about to change, and radically. INVINCIBLE HUMAN is about riding the torrid waves of technological and scientific progress into the future.

Principle 1: Self destructive behavior is kinda insane

Principle 2: Empower your body to speak for itself

Principle 3: The aspirations we need are beyond our imagination

Principle 4: Look in the darkness to avoid being blinded by the light

Principle 1: self destructive behavior is kinda insane

Isn’t it weird that we commit the same self destructive behaviors hundreds or even thousands of times in a lifetime? Even when we know they shorten our life, accelerate disease and aging, cloud our judgement and make us feel miserable. Maybe this behavior is a little embarrassing as the self proclaimed most intelligent species on this planet? What if we didn’t commit self harm? What if it wasn’t normalized and gleefully blessed and encouraged by society? If you’d like to stop this insanity...:identify the worst version of yourself. For me, it was 7pm Jon who would eat everything in sight to try and momentarily escape life pain. He is a monster, overpowering, and indifferent about all other Jons needs. A sweet talker and expert rationalizer. 7pm Jon ruins life quality for all other Jons:

  • awful sleep

  • overweight

  • poor health

  • accelerated aging & disease

  • turbulent emotions

  • depressing life outlook

The solution: revoking 7pm Jon’s authority to eat food. Now your turn:

  • Step 1: identify your 20% rascal..

  • Step 2: list what decisions they are and are not authorized to make

  • Step 3: wait for them to appear

  • Step 4: approve or deny their requests using step 2 list

  • Step 5: celebrate happy you for stopping self harm.

Believe it or not, this is your most consequential and powerful life intervention.

Principle #2: Empower your body to speak for itself

What and when I eat is decided by asking my heart, liver, lungs and my other 70+ organs what they need to be optimal. This is done by doing hundreds of organ measurements on a regular basis and then carefully analyzing gold standard scientific evidence.

My mind is demoted, Self is elevated.

Allowing our minds to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, and offering any explanation it wants is a bedrock of our reality. So firmly rooted that it’s beyond most of our imaginations that it would be checked by any other system of decision making.

INVINCIBLE HUMAN takes better care of me than I was ever able. It will for you too.

Principle #3: The aspirations we need are beyond our imaginations

It would have been hard to predict the books that would be written with the introduction of the printing press; or what the internet would enable. The same principle applies to what the human race can become when paired with the torrid wave of technological and scientific progress. We can take baby steps as we work on stretching our imaginations:

  • Week 1: drink the Green Giant (GG) daily.

  • Week 2: GG + Super Veggie (SV) daily.

  • Week 3: GG + SV + Nutty Pudding (NP) daily.

  • Week 4: GG + SV + NP + supplements daily.

Principle 4: Look in the Darkness to avoid being blinded by the light

A person is looking for their keys under a street light. Someone walks by and inquires, “Are you certain you lost your keys here?”

“No” they reply, “I lost them across the street.”

Confused, the stranger says, “Then why are you looking here?”

They responded, “The light is much brighter here!”

Common reactions to INVINCIBLE HUMAN:

  • Jon, you are surely miserable

  • It would be hilarious if Jon got hit by a bus, lol

  • I’d rather die than eat veggies, berries and nuts

  • This is dystopic

  • I wish u knew my joy of pizza + donuts

Or, maybe is it?

  • I have no control over myself

  • Change is hard for me

  • I am scared of being left behind

  • I’m addicted to self sabotage

  • Without unlimited choice to do whatever I want, existence doesn’t make sense to me

I hear you. I’ve been there. Felt and thought all these things.

We all know this: no one wants to be sick, diseased and sad. We all want exceptional health and vibrancy.

Step 1: Meal Prep

Upon waking: The Green Giant

  • 20 oz of water

Spermidine, 2 Tbsp chlorella powder, yielding 13.5mg spermidine*

  • Amino Complex (lemon) 7.6 g

  • Creatine 2.5 g

  • Collagen Peptides 20 g

  • Cocoa Flavanols 500 mg

  • Ceylon Cinnamon 1 tsp

Morning pills 1 Tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (or, add EVOO to Super Veggie and other meal of the day) *Spermidine can also be taken via pills

Super Veggie

  • Black lentils, 45 grams dry, ~150 grams cooked

  • Broccoli (head+stalk), 250 grams

  • Cauliflower. 150 grams

  • Shiitake or Maitake Mushrooms, 50 grams

  • Garlic, 1 clove (a piece)

  • Ginger Root, 3 grams

  • Lime, 1

  • Cumin, 1 Tbsp

  • Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 Tbsp

  • Hemp Seeds, 1 Tbsp

  • After prep, drizzle 1 Tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Recently been sprinkling 1 Tbsp of 100% dark chocolate to dish

(All organic)

Super Veggie Preparation instructions

Weigh vegetables. Place broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms (maitake or shiitake), ginger and garlic in boiling water*. Boil until tender (7-9 min). Steaming is also acceptable.

  • Lentils: bring the water to boil in a medium saucepan. Add lentils. Reduce heat to low and cook uncovered for 18-20 or minutes until "al dente". Place in a colander to drain and rinse under cold water

  • You can choose to blend or keep whole pieces.

  • Blend in a high-speed blender place 1 Tbsp of dried cumin, 1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 1 fresh Lime, cooked black lentils, the strained cooked vegetables, and blend until it becomes thick soup. Can also serve as the picture above.

  • If needed add some of the vegetable water (or steaming water) to thin out the texture.

  • Top with hemp seeds.

Prepared correctly, taste should be an easy and smooth tasting veggie hummus. No smell/taste of garlic.

I season it with NuSalt (potassium chloride).

*Cooked via low temperature, high humidity, high acidity, high antioxidant cooking methods to minimize formation of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) and Advanced Lipid Peroxidation End-products (ALEs).

A note on Super Veggie taste. The food I eat is delicious to me; one of the most exciting moments of my day. Both my teenage boys, mother, father, and brother eat the same foods daily and they love them too. When starting, sometimes there is a period of adaptation and some want to play with the recipe and texture.

Nutty Pudding

3 Tbsp ground macadamia nuts (20% off)

2 tsp of ground walnuts

2 Tbsp chia seeds

1 tsp of ground flaxseed (seed that is ground into flour)

1/4 brazil nut

1/2 cup blueberries/raspberries/strawberries (your choice)

3 cherries

2 oz freshly squeezed pomegranate juice

Nutty Pudding Preparation instructions

Add 50-100 mL Malk Almond/Macadamia Milk based upon desired consistency.

  • Add walnuts, macadamia nuts, ground flax seeds (highest nutritional value to buy seeds and grind)

  • Add cocoa, sunflower lecithin, cinnamon

  • Add 3 cherries, 1/2 cup of berries (save half for topping) & pomegranate juice

  • Mix on high for 3 or 4 minutes

  • Pour into a dish.

  • Let sit, then add the rest of the berries

  • Typically will also add 30-60 grams of pea protein

If you want to go wild, you can add a Tbsp of sweetener Trehalose and a Tbsp of Manuka honey.

Example Third Meals Asparagus Almond Beet Salad, 500 cal Beets 500 grams cooked Asparagus 300 grams cooked Almonds Slivers 21 grams Arugula 1 cup Shallot 1 large Balsamic 3 Tablespoons Dijon 3 Tablespoons Mustard Seeds 1 Tablespoons

Asparagus Almond Beet Salad Preparation Instructions

Trim and clean beets. Boil in water till the beets can be easily pierced with a fork. Drain and while still warm, the skin will rub off easily underwater. Set aside the skinless beets in a bowl.

Blanch Asparagus - Set aside a bowl of ice water. Heat a large saucepan of water till boiling. Add Asparagus to the boiling water for 4 minutes. It may be shorter or larger boiling times depending on the size of the stalks. Once asparagus is firm but not crisp, remove it from boiling water and dump it into the ice bath. Once asparagus is cool. Drain and take a paper towel to blot any excess water away.

In another heated pan, add the mustard seeds to a dry pan for one minute. After one minute add sliced shallots and one-fourth cup of water. Cook shallots and mustard seeds down until the shallots are transparent. Add more water if needed.

In a small bowl add the balsamic and the dijon and blend well.

Once everything is assembled and cooled to room temperature. Chop the beets and asparagus into small bite-sized pieces. Add the cooled shallots mixture. Add in chopped arugula and toss lightly. Once lightly tossed pour dressing over and toss lightly again. Top the salad with slivered almond.

Orange Fennel Salad, 500 calories

Cara Cara Orange 1 segmented orange

Fennel ¼ cup shredded

Goji Berries 30 grams

Pecans 30 grams

Grape Tomatoes 14

Spring Mix 3 cups

Arugula Leaf or Sprouts 1 cup

Fresh Mint ¼ cup

Fig Balsamic Vinegar 2 Tablespoon

Orange Fennel Salad Preparation Instructions

Gather ingredients. Segment the orange. Shred the fennel on a grater. Toss in greens, torn mint leaves, fennel, grape tomatoes, top with chopped pecans, and goji berries. Right before serving add fig balsamic dressing.

Stuffed Sweet Potato, 500 calories

Sweet Potato 300 grams cooked

Chickpeas 45 grams cooked

Grape Tomatoes 12

Avocado ½

Radishes 4

Cilantro ¼ cup

Jalapeno Pepper 1 large

Limes 2 whole

Lemon 1 whole

Chile Powder 1 Teaspoon

Stuffed Sweet Potato Preparation Instructions

Roast the sweet potato until you can puncture it with a fork. While the potato is roasting, place chickpeas in a bowl. Add the juice of half of a lemon and the chile powder and set aside to marinate.

On a sheet pan, roast the grape tomatoes until they have popped and have a bit of color.

Add to a small bowl the avocado mash with the juice of one lime and half of a lemon. Stir until creamy.

Thinly slice the radishes and the jalapeno pepper.

Once everything is roasted. Build your dish. Start with the potato, slice open. Remove skin if preferred. Pour the chickpea mixture over the sweet potato, next add roasted grape tomatoes and some jalapenos. Top with avocado mixture, chopped fresh cilantro, radishes, and the remainder of jalapeno peppers. Serve with sliced lime on the side.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Step 2: Supplements

Upon waking

  • Acarbose 200 mg (Rx)

  • Ashwagandha 600 mg

  • B Complex .25 pill M/Th (1/4 pill, twice a wk)

  • BroccoMax 17.5mg

  • C 500mg

  • Ca-AKG 1 gram

  • Cocoa Flavanols 500 mg

  • CoQ10 100 mg

  • D-3 2,000 IU

  • DHEA 25 mg

  • E 67 mg

  • EPA 500mg with vitamin E 5 mg

  • Garlic 2.4 g equivalent

  • Garlic 1.2 g (kyolic)

  • Genistein 125 mg

  • Ginger Root 2.2 g

  • Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCL 1,500 mg

  • Iodine as potassium iodide 125 mcg

  • K2-MK4, 5 mg

  • K1, 1.5mg

  • K2 MK-7, 600 ug

  • Lithium, as lithium orotate, 1 mg

  • Lycopene 10 mg

  • Lysine 1 g

  • Metformin ER 1,500 (Rx)

  • Nicotinamide Riboside 375 mg (6 x wk)

  • N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) 1,800 mg

  • Proferrin 10 mg

  • Turmeric with piperine 1g

  • Taurine 2 g

  • Viviscal (men) (women) 1 pill

  • Zeaxanthin (20mg Lutein, 4 mg Zeaxanthin) 3x/wk

  • Zinc 15 mg

w/Dinner at 11 am

  • Acarbose 200 mg (Rx)

  • BroccoMax 17.5mg

  • Ca-AKG 1 gram

  • Cocoa Flavanols 500 mg (has caffeine)

  • E 67 mg

  • EPA 500 mg

  • Garlic 2.4 g equivalent

  • Garlic 1.2 g (kyolic)

  • Ginger Root 2.2 g

  • Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCL 1,500 mg

  • Hyaluronic Acid 300 mg

  • Lysine 1g

  • L-Tyrosine, 500 mg

  • Metformin ER 500 mg (Rx)

  • N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) 1,800 mg

  • NR 375 mg OR NMN 500 mg, (6x wk)

  • Taurine 1 g

  • Turmeric 1 g

  • Viviscal (men) (women) 1 pill

Before bed

  • Melatonin 300 mcg


  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 30 mL daily

  • Pea Protein, 29 grams daily

  • Dark Chocolate, 15 grams

  • Rapamycin 13 mg, bi-weekly (Rx)

  • HGH .6 mg, 5x wk (discontinued 5/31 after 100 days due to side effects)

  • 17α-E2, 8 mg wk transdermal

  • Testosterone 2 mg patch 6x weekly

  • NDGA 50 mg 1x daily

  • B12 methylcobalamin 1x/wk

  • Aspirin 81 mg 3x wk

  • 112 mcg Levothyroxine, 60 mg Armour Thyroid (diagnosed with hypothyroidism at age 21)

Step 3: Track progress

Basic blood panel Cystatin C Complete blood count with differential, RDW, WBC, MCV BUN Creatinine HbA1c IGF-1 venous glucose lipid panel total protein albumin liver panel thyroid panel hsCRP

Vitamin A serum, B1 serum, B2 serum, B3 serum, B6 serum, B7 serum, B9 serum, B12 serum, C serum, D serum, alpha tocopherol serum, PIVKA-II/a.k.a. DCP (vitamin K deficiency) serum, CoQ10 serum Calcium serum, chloride serum, chromium serum, copper plasma, magnesium serum, manganese plasma, phosphate serum, potassium RBC, selenium plasma/serum, zinc serum/plasma

DHEA-S Testosterone Estrogen SHBG Urine Iodine Iodine to creatinine ratio albumin to creatinine ratio

If you have questions about INVINCIBLE HUMAN Protocol don't hesitate to contact us.

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