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Meditation challenges

Intruding thoughts

A brief thought about paying the electricity bill could spiral into worries about money or work and take your mind off the meditation. Remember: having a totally blank mind is not the goal of meditation. It's OK if a thought intrudes – just gently try to shift your focus back to your breath. If your mind wanders off 10 times during a meditation, bring it back to the breath 10 times.

Breathing naturally

It can be difficult to find the balance between focusing on the circular breath and breathing naturally when meditating. This is just part of learning the technique, so it's important to be aware of this as an issue. Over time you should find the right balance.

Judging your practice

There is no right or wrong way to meditate – the important thing is that you have taken time to invest in your mental wellbeing. A meditation filled with rising thoughts and a wandering mind is still a meditation and still beneficial.

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