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Day 85: Meditation Under Stress

Updated: May 13

Welcome to Day 85! Today’s practice centers around using meditation to navigate through stress effectively. Learning to apply meditation techniques during stressful moments can transform your response to challenges, helping you maintain calmness and clarity.

Today's Focus: Stress Management

Morning Meditation:

Begin your day with a 15-minute meditation focused on stress reduction. Sit in a quiet and comfortable place. Close your eyes, and start by taking deep, slow breaths. Focus on each inhalation and exhalation to anchor your mind in the present moment. Visualize tension leaving your body with each breath out, and imagine calmness entering with each breath in.

Stressful Moments Practice:

Identify a stressful task or situation you expect to face today. Plan to pause before addressing it and take several deep breaths, grounding yourself with the intention of maintaining clarity and calm. When you feel stress rising during the day, remember to reconnect with your breath as a centering tool.


In the afternoon, reflect on how you managed stress:

  • How did using meditation techniques before and during stressful situations change your response?

  • What differences did you notice in your physical or emotional reactions?

Evening Journal:

Write in your journal about the day’s experiences with meditation under stress. Consider these points:

  • How effective was meditation in helping you manage stress?

  • What strategies can you develop further to enhance your ability to cope with stress through meditation?

Guided Stress-Reduction Meditation:

End your day with a guided meditation designed to deepen your stress management skills. Here’s a simple guide to follow:

Guided Meditation Script:

  1. Settle In: Find a comfortable seat in a quiet space. Close your eyes and let your body relax. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths to start releasing tension.

  2. Body Scan for Tension Release: Slowly scan your body from head to toe, noting any areas of tension. As you identify tight spots, imagine breathing warmth and relaxation into those areas.

  3. Visualization: Picture yourself in a stressful situation. Visualize yourself responding with calmness and clarity, using your breath to maintain your peace.

  4. Affirmations: Repeat calming affirmations such as, "I am calm and clear," or "I handle stress with grace."

Close the Meditation: Gently return to the present moment. Open your eyes when you’re ready, feeling prepared to handle stress more effectively.

Quote of the Day:

"Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself." — Hermann Hesse

By practicing meditation during stressful times, you not only cope better but also transform your overall approach to challenges. Continue to harness these skills as you progress to Day 86 and beyond!

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