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Day 83: Concentration Meditation

Updated: May 13

Welcome to Day 83! Today, we’ll explore the benefits of concentration meditation. This type of meditation helps sharpen your focus and calm your mind, which can improve mental clarity and reduce stress.

Today's Focus: Concentration

Morning Meditation:

Begin your day with a 15-minute concentration meditation. Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet space. Choose a point of focus, such as your breath, a specific word, or a visual object. Direct all your attention to this focal point. Each time your mind wanders, gently guide it back to your chosen focus without judgment.

Concentration Exercise:

Throughout the day, engage in short concentration exercises. For example, when performing tasks like reading or working, set a timer for 5 minutes and dedicate yourself entirely to the task at hand, avoiding all distractions. Notice how this affects your productivity and the quality of your work.


Take a break in the afternoon to reflect on these questions:

  • How does practicing concentration influence your ability to focus?

  • Did you find it challenging to maintain focus, and how did you handle distractions?

Evening Journal:

In the evening, jot down your thoughts in your journal. Focus on the concentration practices you've integrated into your day:

  • What differences did you notice in your stress levels and mental clarity?

  • How can you improve your concentration skills further?

Guided Concentration Meditation:

End your day with a guided concentration meditation to deepen your practice. Here’s a simple script to follow:

Guided Meditation Script:

  1. Prepare: Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.

  2. Focus on the Breath: Concentrate on your breathing. Observe the sensation of air entering and exiting your nostrils, or focus on the rise and fall of your chest.

  3. Counting Breaths: Begin to count your breaths. Count one on the inhale, two on the exhale, up to ten, then start back at one. If you lose track, gently return to one and start over.

  4. Deepen the Focus: Whenever you notice your mind wandering, acknowledge it, and return your focus to your breath without criticism.

Close the Meditation: After 15 minutes, slowly bring your attention back to your surroundings. Open your eyes when you are ready, feeling more focused and centered.

Quote of the Day:

"The mind is everything. What you think you become." – Buddha

Concentration meditation is a powerful tool to enhance your mental discipline and focus. As you continue to practice, you'll find it easier to maintain your concentration in various aspects of your life. See you tomorrow for Day 84!

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