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Day 82: Gratitude Meditation

Updated: May 13

Welcome to Day 82 of your meditation journey! Today, we turn our attention to gratitude, a powerful practice that not only elevates your mood but also shifts your perspective to appreciate the abundance in your life.

Today's Focus: Gratitude

Morning Meditation:

Start your day with a 15-minute gratitude meditation. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Begin by thinking of three things you are grateful for today. They can be as simple as the warmth of the sun or as personal as a loving relationship. With each, take a moment to truly feel the appreciation in your heart, letting that warmth expand with every breath.

Gratitude Walk:

Incorporate mindfulness into a 10-minute walk. As you walk, observe the environment around you with a sense of gratitude. Notice the beauty of the trees, the sky, or the people you see. Acknowledge these as gifts and let each step be a gesture of thanks to the world around you.


Midday, take a moment to pause and reflect on the following:

  • How does focusing on gratitude change your interaction with your surroundings?

  • What new things are you noticing and appreciating that you might usually overlook?

Evening Journal:

End your day by writing in your journal. Reflect on the gratitude practices you engaged in throughout the day:

  • How did these practices affect your mood and outlook?

  • How can you integrate gratitude more deeply into your daily life?

Guided Gratitude Meditation:

Conclude your day with a guided gratitude meditation. Focus on deepening your sense of appreciation. Here’s a brief script to guide you:

Guided Meditation Script:

  1. Relax and Breathe: Begin in a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes, relax your body, and take slow, deep breaths.

  2. Think of Today’s Blessings: Reflect on the day and think of three specific moments or things you felt grateful for today. Hold each in your mind one at a time, and allow the feeling of gratitude to fill you.

  3. Expand Your Gratitude: Extend your gratitude to include your body for its strength and health, your mind for its ability to think and feel, and your spirit for its resilience.

  4. Send Gratitude Outward: Finally, send thoughts of gratitude out to others. Wish them happiness, peace, and well-being.

Close the Meditation: Gently bring your awareness back to the present. Open your eyes when you’re ready, feeling refreshed and connected to the sense of gratitude.

Quote of the Day:

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more." – Melody Beattie

Today’s practices are designed to help you cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude, enriching your meditation journey and enhancing your overall well-being. Keep embracing gratitude as you move forward to Day 83!

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