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Day 17: Body Sensation Meditation

Updated: May 3

Welcome back to our meditation journey. Today, we're going to explore body sensation meditation, a practice that involves bringing mindful awareness to the sensations in our body.

Explanation of Body Sensation Meditation: "Body sensation meditation focuses on observing the physical sensations present in our body without judgment or interpretation. By tuning into these sensations, we can cultivate greater presence, insight, and self-awareness."

Preparing for Practice: "Find a comfortable seated position and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Close your eyes and bring your attention inward, directing your focus to the sensations in your body."

Guided Body Sensation Meditation: "Start by bringing your awareness to the contact points between your body and the surface beneath you. Notice the feeling of pressure, warmth, or texture where your body makes contact with the chair or the floor."

"Shift your attention to different parts of your body, starting from the top of your head and moving slowly downward. Notice any sensations you encounter—tingling, warmth, pressure, pulsing, or even areas of numbness."

"Without trying to change or fix anything, simply observe these sensations with an attitude of curiosity and acceptance. Notice how they change and fluctuate with each passing moment."

"If you encounter areas of discomfort or tension, bring your attention to those areas and breathe into them with a sense of gentleness and compassion. Allow any tension to soften and release with each exhale."

"Continue to explore the sensations in your body for a few more moments, savouring the experience of being fully present in your body."

Conclusion: "Body sensation meditation is a powerful practice for grounding ourselves in the present moment and deepening our connection with our bodies. By cultivating awareness of our physical sensations, we can foster greater acceptance, resilience, and well-being.

Thank you for joining me today, and I'll see you tomorrow for Day 18, where we'll explore another aspect of meditation."

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