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Brain Waves & NeoRhythm by OmniPemf

NeoRhythm by omnipemf

NeoRhythm is a PEMF device using a non-invasive magnetic method of stimulation to target specific areas of the brain or body with the purpose of helping the user reach a desired state of mind such as sleep, deep meditation, relaxation, focus, pain relief and more.

NeoRhythm helps with improving cognitive performance, attention and reducing the proportion of errors.

PEMF technology energizes cells on a molecular level, resulting in an oxygenated brain and increased blood flow.

Improved circadian rhythm through neuro entrainment – tuning the brain to an external frequency.

NeoRhythm stimulates and supports areas that produce pain reducing hormones – endorphins, serotonin and more.

Brain Waves

Delta waves (sleep, meditation)

The frequencies from 0.5 - 4 Hz are emitted when we are in deep, slow, restorative sleep. WHEN:Before bed, in the evening, coping with high-level stress, anxiety, panic, during meditation. WHEN NOT:Right after waking up 1, 2, 3, 4 Hz

  • enhancing deep sleep and deep relaxation

  • for combatting panic, and other stressful emotional situations

  • 4 Hz is also beneficial for enhancing meditation and relaxation.


  • the head (forehead or top of the head orientations), especially for meditation

  • solar plexus (5 inch (12 cm) above the navel) for surmounting stressful emotional conditions.

2 Hz: This frequency was found to help nerve regeneration.


  • targeted area

  • (If known) which vertebrae of the spinal cord


  • Up to year one, babies spend most of their days in Delta states

  • We can observe Delta when in dreamless sleep.

  • According to a research published in 2005, women emit more Delta waves than men.

  • Delta waves can never go down to zero, as that would mean we are brain dead

  • The last state we experience before we die is Delta

Theta brainwaves (meditation, relaxation) Frequencies of 4 - 8 Hz are present in deeper meditative states, during REM sleep and in hypnosis. The feeling of reduced consciousness is also related to creativity, the first stage of dreaming or light sleep. WHEN:Before bed, in the evening, during the day to enhance creativity or practice mindfulness WHEN NOT:Right after waking up 5, 6, 7 Hz

  • Meditation

  • Appeasement

  • Introspection

  • memory enhancement (Roberts et al. 2018)

  • better learning


  • frontal (forehead) region

  • at the base of the skull

  • For enhancing tranquility, use the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

7.83 Hz: Schumann’s fundamental frequency.


  • wherever on the head for enhancing your general well-being

  • Over the affected body part

  • For relaxation, tranquility, and a general feeling of psychological balance use the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).


  • pain inhibition (Maestu, C.E. pain)

  • meditation, relaxation.


  • over the painful part of the body. We suggest running several 20-minute sessions rather than using the device continually for a longer time

  • onto the affected body part.

  • various positions on the head for meditation and relaxation or the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).


  • Theta waves are also considered to boost creativity and accompanied with feelings of inspiration and spirituality.

  • When we are in a trance, we are in a theta state. Children when playing video games can get into a similar trance.

Alpha brain waves (relaxation, regeneration) In an Alpha state, we are awake and present, but physically and mentally relaxed. Between 8-13 Hz, Alpha waves provide an environment where we can be more susceptible to new ideas and open to more possibilities. WHEN:In the morning, in the afternoon, during the day when needed WHEN NOT: Right before bed. 8, 9, 10.1, 11.3, 12, 13.5 Hz (Alpha range):

  • for combatting anxiety


  • on the head or on the solar plexus (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel)

10.1 Hz:

  • supportive for the restoration of the physiological balance in the head lost due to migraines

  • can stimulate clearer cognitive functioning and help with better memory, and enhancing focus

  • restoring circadian rhythm

  • helps with cessation of smoking

  • helps with tremor, regeneration of tissue (Pawluk K.).


  • on the head

  • forehead orientation for enhancing your memory

  • base of the skull orientation for restoring circadian rhythm

  • the top-of-the-head orientation for anxiety issues

  • lay the NeoRhythm device over the affected body part for the regeneration of tissue

12 Hz:

  • supportive for the restoration of the physiological balance in the head that is lost due to migraines, enhancing peripheral blood flow (Pawluk K.)


  • Crown/Top of the head

  • Affected body part

TIPS on how to get into an Alpha state fast:

  1. Meditate

  2. Close your eyes

  3. Take deep breaths

  4. Yoga


  • In a 2009 study, researchers have found that during meditation the alpha waves are significantly greater in the posterior region than the frontal one. Alpha brain waves are therefore the line between complete rest and alertness.

  • When athletes get “in the zone” they are in an Alpha state

  • When we admire someone’s charisma, it’s because they are fully present in the moment and most likely in Alpha state

Beta brain waves (focus, general well-being) In Beta frequency of 13-30 Hz we are actively thinking, are alert, present and focused and actively engaged in a task. WHEN:Anytime during the day WHEN NOT:Before bed 14.3 Hz: 1st Schumann’s resonance harmonic; general well-being enhancing, bodily self-healing capacities enhancing.


  • on the head for enhancing the general well-being

  • the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel) for relaxation, tranquility, and a general feeling of psychological balance


  • supportive for the restoration of the physiological balance in the head that is lost due to migraines

  • found for helping the regeneration of cells.


  • place the device on the head for restoring the physiological balance

  • lay the NeoRhythm device over the affected body part for helping the regeneration of cells

18 Hz: can be helpful for combating obesity (Pawluk K.)


  • at the base of the skull

  • Solar plexus

20.25 Hz:

  • Helps against anxiety (Pawluk K.)

  • Supports meditation


  • The solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel)

  • Top of the head orientation.

24 Hz:

  • Supports meditation

  • Enhance alertness and vigilance

  • Successful in promoting regeneration


  • Top of the head or forehead orientation

  • Solar Plexus

  • Over the affected body part for regeneration of tissue

27.3 Hz: 3nd Schumann’s resonance harmonic

  • Enhancing general well-being, and body’s self healing capability

  • enhances alertness and vigilance.


  • wherever on the head for enhancing the general well-being

  • Solar Plexus position for relaxation, tranquility, and a general feeling of psychological balance


  • They are the fastest of the brainwaves.

  • Beta waves are divided into three sections; Lo-Beta, Beta and Hi-Beta; the latter (22-38Hz are waves of heightened anxiety)

Gamma Brain Waves (awareness and memorizing)

Gamma waves range from 30-100 Hz, and are present when we are processing information from different parts of the brain simultaneously - when doing intellectual or highly demanding jobs that require utmost focus.


Anytime during the day


Before bed

33.8 Hz: 4th Schumann’s resonance harmonic

  • Enhances general well-being

  • Enhances bodily self-healing capability.


  • Wherever on the head for enhancing general well-being

  • over the affected spot on any part of the body

  • Solar Plexus position for relaxation, tranquility, and a general feeling of psychological balance

40 Hz:

  • Awareness

  • conscious control

  • Memorizing

  • retaining a normal psyche

  • also found to help with Alzheimer’s disease.


  • Top of the head or forehead orientation.

Frequencies supporting meditation

48 Hz or 50.57 Hz:

  • support meditation states that counteract depression

  • musculoskeletal problems (e.g. tightened tendons, muscles, etc.)

  • helping with eye problems (like conjunctivitis, blood circulation, even glaucoma)

  • heart problems

  • regeneration of tissue

  • improve cerebral blood flow in stroke patients

  • application around testis may increase the production of testosterone, (Pawluk K.))


  • Top of the head or forehead orientation for meditation combatting depression and enhancing wakefulness

  • The forehead orientation for eye problem

  • For the regeneration of tissue, lay the NeoRhythm device over the affected body part

  • For well-being meditation counteracting depression, you could try the position on the solar plexus (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).


  • Gamma waves can also be present in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, hallucination, Alzheimer’s disease, and epilepsy.

  • People with high levels of Gamma activity are considered exceptionally intelligent, compassionate, and have a strong sense of self-control.


  1. Improve sleep

WHEN: 20 minutes before bedtime, during sleep

NOT: In the morning or immediately after Enhance Mental Capacity / Energy and Vitality session

POSITIONS AND USE: It is recommended wearing NeoRhythm at the occiput for 20 minutes before lying down. Afterward, an 8 hours duration of the Improve Sleep program can be selected and placed anywhere close to the head.

The Improve Sleep program can be used before sleep to de-stress and unwind, or overnight to maintain sleep.

HOW IT WORKS: The Improve Sleep program emits a dominant 4hz theta frequency that is accompanied by a 2.67hz delta frequency. Theta brainwaves mostly occur during light sleep and the REM stage associated with dreaming. Delta brainwaves are slow brainwaves produced in deep, dreamless sleep. The brain synchronizes with these frequencies, which creates an optimal environment for the body to enter a deep, regenerative sleep.

+ EXTRA TIP: Deep Meditation emits Theta waves as well and it’s a great addition to the Improve Sleep session for a calmer night. We suggest running a 1. Deep Meditation after 6 PM or before bed to help you relax even if you aren’t a skillful meditator.

  1. Deep Relaxation 4Hz 1-2 hrs before bed

Improve Sleep 8 hours while sleeping

  1. TRY THIS OUT: Theta Meditation 2-1 hrs before bed or whenever you have some time to relax

DON’T: Enjoying an Improve Sleep session and following immediately with an Energy and Vitality or Enhance Mental Capacity session could diminish the effect of the sessions. We recommend at least 30 min – 1hr break in between sessions.

Lucid dreaming

WHEN: In the morning or right after waking up, during an afternoon nap

NOT: Before bed

HOW LONG: 30 - 60 min

POSITIONS AND USE: Place the NeoRhythm under the pillow right after you wake up or during the day before taking a nap.

Lucid dreaming occurs when we become aware that we are dreaming during sleep. We’re aware that the events flashing through our brain aren’t really happening, but the dream feels vivid and real.

HOW IT WORKS: Dominant frequency of 40.5 Hz and an accompanying frequency of 4 Hz are emitted with intensity of 0.5 mT.

  • Focus

Enhance mental capacity

WHEN: Morning, afternoon, during work hours

NOT: 2 hours before bed, right after waking up (wait 30 min)

HOW LONG: 30 min / 60 min 1-4 times a day

POSITIONS AND USE: Place the NeoRhythm comfortably on your forehead or the top of the head.

Mental clarity and focus are needed in order to perform tasks at the highest level. When you’re having trouble focusing, your brain isn’t functioning at the proper frequency needed to concentrate on the task at hand.

HOW IT WORKS: Our normal waking consciousness is dominated by the beta brainwaves - the alertness frequency ban, which is why this program induces a dominance of beta brainwaves. When beta brainwaves are present, we think clearly and maintain our focus.

DON’T: Beta brainwaves are characteristic to a highly alert, focused state. Enjoying an Enhance Mental Capacity session before bed might affect how you sleep.

Energy and vitality

WHEN: Morning, afternoon, when needed

NOT: Right before bed

HOW LONG: 30 min / 60 min, 1-2 times a day

POSITIONS AND USE: NeoRhythm is placed over the prefrontal cortical region. One session lasts 30 or 60 minutes. It is recommended using the Energy and Vitality program once or twice a day, depending on the needs.

HOW IT WORKS: When you’re alert and focused, your brain emits frequency waves known as gamma waves. Scientific research proves that your brain can be trained to synchronize with external electromagnetic frequencies in order to achieve a state of heightened perception. NeoRhythm uses the Energy & Vitality mode to emit gamma frequency electromagnetic waves which your brain tries to mimic, resulting in an energy boost.

DON’T: We recommend at least 30 min – 1hr break between the Energy and Vitality session and Improve Sleep, Theta Meditation, Calm and Synchronization Meditation and Deep Relaxation.

  • Relaxation

Deep relaxation

WHEN: During the day, in the evening, before bed

NOT: Right before the Enhance Mental Capacity Session

HOW LONG: 30 min / 60 min, 1-2 times a day

POSITIONS AND USE: For this simulation program, NeoRhythm is placed at the occiput. One session lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. It is recommended using the Deep Relaxation program once or twice a day, depending on your needs.

HOW IT WORKS: The Deep Relaxation program induces a predominance of alpha brain waves. Your brain synchronizes with these frequencies, creating optimal conditions for relaxation, which will in turn allow you to de-stress, feel calm and reach a state of emotional, physical and mental well-being.

DON’T: Enjoying a Deep Relaxation session followed immediately with an Energy and Vitality session / Enhance Mental Capacity session can result in some brain fog, as it is comparable to being in a deep sleep and trying to solve a math equation right after. Allowing at least 30 min – 1 hr in between differentiating sessions will make for a better experience.

  • Pain

Pain control

WHEN: Anytime needed

NOT: Right before bed

HOW LONG: 40 min, 1-2 times a day

POSITIONS AND USE: NeoRhythm must be positioned in a slightly lower position at the back of our head to cover the parietal and temporal lobes or around the neck. One session lasts 40 minutes. It is recommended using the Pain Control program twice a day.

HOW IT WORKS: Pain management is one of the most common applications for PEMFs, where PEMF stimulation quiets down nerves and facilitates recovery from injury and inflammation. Nerve signals conducting pain move from the source of the pain upstream to the brain. NeoRhythm’s Pain Control program emits dominant gamma and alpha electromagnetic frequency pulses in order to decrease sensitivity to pain and pain perception and its unique design allows it to be applied anywhere along this path.

  • Meditation

Theta Meditation

WHEN: When needed, in the afternoon, evening, before bed, during sleep

NOT: After Enhance Mental Capacity session, right after waking up

HOW LONG: 30 min / 60 min / infinity mode

POSITIONS AND USE: It is recommended to use NeoRhythm temporally, placed above the ears, for as long as the optimal duration of the treatment.

HOW IT WORKS: NeoRhythm’s Deep Meditation setting emits a dominant frequency of theta waves in addition to alpha waves, creating a natural environment for your brain to enter a deeper meditative state. Deep meditation is associated with better brain health, focus, reduced stress and anxiety.

Calming and Synchronization Meditation

WHEN: During the day, evening, when needed

HOW LONG: 30 min / 60 min, no daily limit

POSITIONS AND USE: One session lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, and the device is placed above the ears. Users can also choose the “unlimited” option; that way the electromagnetic pulses will work for the duration of mediation.

HOW IT WORKS: NeoRhythm emits a frequency of alpha electromagnetic pulses based on decades of research associated with electromagnetic therapy, allowing your brain to respond and enter a calmed state where cognitive functions are well balanced.

Alpha waves support mental coordination, calmness, alertness, mind and body integration, and learning. They control your mental processes and help you achieve optimal cognitive balance. During this program, NeoRhythm emits alpha waves to deal with stress-induced or anxiety-related sickness.

Focus Meditation

WHEN: In the morning, during the day

NOT: Right before bed

HOW LONG: 30 - 60 min / infinity mode

POSITIONS AND USE: Frontal position. Buddhist meditation on mindfulness with simultaneous high attention and tranquillity with the frequency of Low Gamma 33.71Hz. Voluntary control of attention and cognition. Suitable for those who want to improve their focus, executive functioning and overall alertness.

Quiet Mind Meditation

WHEN: Anytime during the day, before sleep

NOT: Right after waking up (Alpha waves are present when relaxed and can help you fall back asleep)

HOW LONG: 30 - 60 min / infinity mode

POSITIONS AND USE: Frontal position. Quiet Mind meditation, introspection, path to illumination (CHAN, Vipassana) – meditation that leads to spacious awareness and expanded consciousness with an Alpha frequency of 10.12 Hz. Suitable for minimizing your internal monologue and experiencing restful awareness.

Mindfulness Meditation

WHEN: Anytime during the day, before going to bed

NOT: Right after waking up (Theta waves are present in REM sleep and can help you fall back asleep)

HOW LONG: 30 - 60 min / infinity mode

POSITIONS AND USE: Frontal position. Non-evaluative awareness of the present moment with the Theta frequency of 4 Hz. Suitable for those who wish to take a step back from their thoughts and get in touch with their feelings and sensations.

Quiet Mind Meditation

WHEN: Anytime during the day

NOT: Before going to sleep (Gamma waves can promote alertness)

HOW LONG: 30 - 60 min / infinity mode

POSITIONS AND USE: Frontal position. Activation of positive emotional states with a Gamma frequency of 40.5 Hz. Suitable for mood management, becoming more empathetic, present and kind.

Why does NeoRhythm work and how can PEMF help?

Every living cell in our body needs electrical current to occur. Deficiency of cellular electrical charge may result in lack of vitality and energy, poor health and painful sensations. PEMF technology applies non-invasive energy into the body and stimulates the cells to help them function just the way they were intended to.

Research studies have proven PEMF therapy to be an entirely safe way to encourage our brain to mimic external signals provided by a device.

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