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Unlock Your Full Potential: Mastering Focus and Productivity

Focus Unleashed: Strategies for a Sharper Mind and Better Performance


A transformative boundless potential journey with EEG & meditation

Explore an Unbounded Path to Personal Transformation and Growth


​Initial Evaluation

Comprehensive assessment to kickstart your journey of growth and change.


Neurofeedback Training

Enhance brain function with personalized neurofeedback training for optimal performance,


Monitoring and Progress Tracking

Continuous evaluation and tracking to ensure steady progress toward goals.


Relapse Prevention

Proactive strategies to maintain progress and prevent setbacks from recurring.

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Action Plan

Strategic roadmap outlining steps to achieve your goals with precision.

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Completion and Long-Term Success

Achieve lasting success with strategies for sustained growth and fulfilment.

Seven stages to achieve sharper focus

Phase 1:
Initial Evaluation

Baseline Measurement & Questionnaire:

  • The client completes a detailed questionnaire within the Myndlift app to assess current focus levels, distractions, and any underlying factors affecting concentration.

  • The Muse headband is used to measure the client’s brain activity, establishing a baseline for attention and focus levels.

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Phase 2: 
Neurofeedback Training

Customized Exercises & Regular Practice

  • Based on the initial evaluation, specific neurofeedback exercises are recommended to the client. These exercises aim to train the brain to improve sustained attention and minimize distractions.

  • Clients are encouraged to practice these neurofeedback exercises daily or several times a week, depending on their specific focus challenges.

Phase 3:
Action Plan

Meditation Techniques,
Lifestyle Recommendations and Nutritional Guidance

  • Guided mindfulness practices, available through the Myndlift app, are provided to help enhance concentration. These may include focused attention exercises, breath control, and visualization techniques.

  • The client receives personalized advice on lifestyle changes that support better focus, such as managing screen time, scheduling regular breaks, and optimizing the work environment for minimal distractions.

  • Suggestions on foods and supplements that boost cognitive function, such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and foods rich in B vitamins, are provided.

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Phase 4:
Ongoing Support

Journaling, Monthly Meetings and Adjustments

  • Clients are encouraged to maintain a digital journal within the Myndlift app, where they can record their daily focus levels, distractions, and progress in concentration.

  • A monthly meeting with Jonathan Riesel is scheduled to review progress, adjust the neurofeedback protocol, and address any challenges in maintaining focus.

  • Based on the client’s progress, adjustments to the neurofeedback exercises, meditation techniques, or lifestyle recommendations may be made to ensure continuous improvement.

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Phase 5:
Monitoring and Progress Tracking

Regular Check-ins and 
Progress Reports

  • Through the Myndlift app, regular check-ins help monitor the client’s focus improvement, allowing for real-time adjustments to the training plan.

  • Progress Reports: Every month, a detailed progress report is generated, highlighting improvements in focus and overall cognitive function.​
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Phase 6: 
Relapse Prevention

Coping Strategies, 
Maintenance Neurofeedback
and Continued Support

  • As the client makes progress, additional strategies are introduced to prevent relapse into poor focus habits. This includes maintaining a consistent focus routine, ongoing focus practices, and avoiding known focus disruptors.

  • Once significant progress has been made, the frequency of neurofeedback sessions may be reduced, focusing on maintaining the gains achieved and preventing relapse into not focusing.

  • Clients can opt for ongoing support through periodic check-ins or meetings with Jonathan to ensure long-term success in achieving focus and a sharper mind.

Phase 7:
Completion and Long-Term Success

Final Assessment, Maintenance Plan and Ongoing Support Options

  • After a few months, a final assessment is conducted to measure the reduction in stress levels compared to the initial baseline.

  • If significant improvements are observed, a maintenance plan is created. This may involve less frequent neurofeedback sessions and continued use of focus techniques to sustain the benefits.

  • Clients can continue to access the app and schedule meetings with Jonathan as needed to ensure long-term focus and concentration.

Image by Medienstürmer

Take the first step

Join the Focus Program and achieve greater restoration from anywhere
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£250 / month
  • Live 1-on-1 Meditation with Jon twice a month

  • Daily Neurofeedback training and guided meditations with Myndlift App 

  • Access to the exclusive Focus blog

  • Enabling 7 stages program to Focus better

  • Weekly motivation messages sent to your phone

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£550 / trimestral
  • Live 1-on-1 Meditation with Jon twice a month

  • Daily Neurofeedback training and guided meditations with Myndlift App 

  • Access to the exclusive Focus blog

  • Enabling 7 stages program to Focus better

  • Weekly motivation messages sent to your phone

Don’t accept limitations
Build the complete and satisfying life you desire, regardless of your starting point.

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